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Frequently Asked Questions


A selfbot is a bot that runs under the user account. It is like a user's personal assistant that responds to their command inputs to perform different tasks. The main objective of self bot is to make things easier for the users by doing small things such as posting messages, changing user’s avatar and status, etc., on their behalf.
A Discord token is a unique code that is used to authenticate a Discord account. It's sent to Discord when you log in so Discord knows you're the owner of the account. Keep your Discord token private, as other people will be able to login to your account using it. Your Discord token is only saved on your own computer and never shared with us. Click here to learn how to get your Discord token.
Yes! We offer everyone a free trial so you can test LightningBot yourself for 7 days instead of relying on our words. Your free trial will be activated automatically after creating an account. Please refer to our Terms of Service for more information.
You can see all commands by typing [p]help in any server or DM. Make sure to replace [p] with your own prefix. Your prefix will be an exclamation mark (!) by default.
Previously, all files were located in your Documents folder. With the switch to multi-platform, we had to make some changes to the data location. The files are now located in your user config directory:
  • Windows: %AppData%\LightningBot
  • MacOS: ~/Library/Application Support/LightningBot
  • Linux: $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/LightningBot or ~/.config/LightningBot


You can fix this issue by opening System Preferences > Security & Privacy > General and clicking the Open Anyway button. The warning will reappear and you can press the Open button to open LightningBot.